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A new generation of aristocrats

Про проєкт

About the project

Mary Poppins is a British-type kindergarten with an authorial teaching method based on the classic English educational system. The best British practices and modern methods of pre-school education formed based on the Mary Poppins concept. The new kindergarten combines a bilingual environment, modern teaching methods, and innovative infrastructure.

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When creating the corporate identity, we decided to introduce a positive character – an animal, which can be found in London. Almost immediately, we came up with the idea of a squirrel. It became the basis for the illustrations and another visual manifestation of the brand.

These little animals live in every park in London, they are loved by everyone, both children and adults are happy to watch and feed them. They are nimble, pleasant, and evoke positive associations. In addition, the image of a squirrel is easy to animate and give human qualities with the wagging of the tail, running, jumping and winking. We implemented this in the animation.

A cute character guarantees good interaction with children and adults. Our squirrel is an optimist and enthusiast by character. She is determined, determined, good-natured, responsive, just how the future generation should be.

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Mary Poppins is a kindergarten that promotes the classic British educational system. The values are transmitted through basic principles:

# Instilling aesthetic skills and etiquette;

# Fostering high morals;

# Learning to interact with other people;

# Overcoming language barriers;

# Development of knowledge, etiquette and culture of communication.

We have developed a holistic brand image that promotes the values of high society.

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The development of the brand book was the next stage of work. It was necessary to make the brand recognizable. So, we have developed merch, some of which will be used by the team as a brand bearer, some of which will be used by the kids to increase the comfort of being in the kindergarten.

We also came up with the idea of a showroom in a trendy format. In the showroom, Mary Poppins' own merch will be sold with products from friendly brands that promote the same goals as we do.

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In the process of developing the communication strategy, it was decided to use conservative rhetoric when communicating with clients. When a character enters into a dialogue, there is a transition to an amusing and playful manner of communication. For this, we have developed illustrations, which became the basis of the brand identity, and organized the production of the merch: clothing, tableware, accessories, stationery.

When choosing the brand's tone of voice, we have decided to opt for informative and seriousness, as it sets up a trusting relationship. From time to time, a squirrel should be involved in the communication, allowing a little relaxation and getting rid of officiousness. In this case, we recommended to change the tone to cheerful and light, and to present information in a joking fashion. As a result, we got the overall impression — a reliable kindergarten, which is friendly to others.

We have managed to combine individually selected communication tools to cover all points of contact of the brand with the audience and build a trusting relationship with it:

# Content on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Telegram);

# Influencer marketing;

# Collaborations with brands;

# Regular mailings;

# Correspondence with partners, contractors and potential employees;

# Organization of internal and external events;

# PR in media and special projects;

# User-generated content.

To enhance the effect of Mary Poppins brand communication, we have made a number of suggestions for additional and care services for customers. The list includes point-to-point support services: a temporary babysitter, a driver for the child, a cafe store setup and personalized gifts. Even more — setting up a photo room, organizing children's parties, a theme camp, and forming a community for parents with off-premise events.

These events will make it possible to convey on behalf of the brand that the project Mary Poppins is a whole space for the harmonious growth of the child's personality, to convey the values of quality education and etiquette, building a harmonious relationship with people and the world.

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Ми створили унікальний проект ― бренд для дитячого садка Mary Poppins. Перед нами стояло завдання розкрити переваги авторської методики та перебування дитини в середовищі, заснованому на взаємній повазі, прагненні до знань. Це вдалося зробити через весь комплекс виконаної роботи. А розроблена нами айдентика дозволила створити цілісну картинку сприйняття клієнтів Mary Poppins.

Діти ― фундамент суспільства. Виховання на кшталт високої моральності, навчання взаємодії коїться з іншими формують покоління всебічно розвинених людей, котрі посідають гідне місце у житті. Створений нами брендинг відбиває націленість дитячого садка Mary Poppins на ці завдання. І на його основі будується спільнота дітей та батьків, яких поєднують спільні цінності та причетність до британської культури.

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