Conceptual georgian street food in Kiyv


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About the project

Creating branding for gastronomic projects is one of our agency favorite things to do. Especially when it comes to a full-fledged project launch, where the ‘A’ point is the idea and the client, and the final result is a brand that is known and talked about. That’s what happened with the ‘ho-ho’ project in Kyiv. The idea of high-quality and stylish Georgian street food became a reality.

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In this project, we have worked on comprehensive brand development from the verbal concept to architectural branding. We have started with naming, positioning, and meanings. After that, we moved on to the corporate identity and the development of the brand book. We thought about brand communication in different points of contact (social networks, menus, flyers, etc.). That's how the unique menu items “modest, fair that powerful shawarma” were born. The work ended with the creation of a signboard, which adorns the exterior of the institution and the production of branded merch for the team and guests.

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This translates from Georgian as “yes-yes”. It is easy to remember and has no counterparts. The name corresponds to one of the popular trends in naming, when a short word or letter combination is used twice. “Ho-ho” invites you to try honest and delicious shawarma. Yes-yes, come quickly!

“Art, food, simplicity! The power of branding is to be in the modern rhythm of life. Entertaining and relaxing with the focus on food. Fast, simple, positive!".

“I eat – I relax and enjoy.”

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We based our visual identity on simple and clear graphics that attract the visitors and invite them to look into the ho-ho. The brand's colors create an association with fast food that is trendy, safe, and delicious. The next step after creating the logo and pattern was the development of the brand book. We visualized future staff uniforms, packaging, menus, and social media content.

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Architectural branding is another area in which our team has worked on a project for a new Georgian street food restaurant. The client approached us with the task of visualizing the signage and exterior design. We have offered several concepts, among which the bright signboard with the brand's pattern became the favorite. We also have worked on the branding of trade equipment.

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The ho-ho brand turned to be stylish, memorable, and dynamic. In the world of high-quality street food, ho-ho is a place of a new format, which forms the culture of new street food.

Today you can drop ho-ho in Kyiv to taste a powerful shawarma or Georgian lemonade or check out the Instagram page to consider how the brand's visual identity has been integrated into the content.

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