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Gala forum

Dnipro Jewish community

Про проєкт

About the project

A magnificent evening was created for the Dnipro Jewish community. The Gala Forum is dedicated to the achievements of the Jewish community and its plans for the future. The forum was held at a unique time - during Hanukkah, on the fifth day of the holiday, when most of the candles in the Hanukkah menorah are lit. Light has defeated darkness!

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Large-scale "live" decorations, a complete transformation of the ballroom of the Dnipro Menorah. A large part was accompanied by a symphony orchestra. The door to a new space was opened before each guest: a space of purity and lightness, falling curtains, mirror framing of the stage, dynamic motion on the screens, and white floristry.

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It is all about the path of light, about movement and flight. On each table was laying a compliment from the community - a small mirror with a message: “You are a reflection of your good deeds.”

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Andriy Makarevich was a true musical gift for the guests of the evening. Aesthetics in details and service.

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